Let us begin at a beginning for we cannot start where there never was.... If the principal of Eternity is to be believed, then we, as intelligences, have always been and will continue to always be. I would submit to you a scenario thus plausible but in no way definitive. Alchemy is the reordering, restructuring and manipulation of the elements. (that which seemingly has no automation or initiative). Elohim also known as God the Father is a perfect example of creating order where there was not necessarily chaos but most certainly unorganized matter.
We were not, (under the strict ex nihilo concept) “created” for God did not create us or the matter that exists in the universe, in like manner neither was he thus created, the Universe has no bounds and is without parallel and as such time is merely a matter of the sequences of what precedes what WE ARE. This is not a dream we are not puppets and in no way is God accountable for our minds and hearts.
He has rather taken responsibility for this Earth all those who will reside here and the future existence we will enjoy
If the scriptures are to be understood and believed correct. We do not begin at Eden rather we start upon the chain of events that have lead us to this day in Eden. A veil has been drawn so to speak between us and our pre earth life.
It is my understanding that we were unorganized intelligences in the vast dark and seemingly empty reaches of space and were organized by a perfect loving and patient being we call God. He adopted us as his children taught us how to LIVE not merely exist we learned communication and began to understand, to BE.
He was different from us as he had already fused with the matter that makes up a planet though he was from all Eternity to all Eternity as are we he arrived at his perfected state prior to us doing so ... and here is where I present my understanding of what the purpose and place in which this planet can and does affords us.
We were in a state of existence with or without Elohim yet we were not as he is or was, we needed to alter our Eternal course through the expanse of time and space and the best way to do so would be to have a beginning a new start a place to grow from.
Satan is a master of self deception and because of his fear of the veil his pride in his own intrinsic existence, he saw no need or perhaps purpose to starting anew to submitting to a greater intelligence than his own and because he did so and convinced roughly a third of the hosts of Heaven to abstain from this amazing enterprise he was removed from his place of influence, and banished to the lies and darkness where Truth and the Light of life have yet to influence. For lies and darkness cannot exist in the presence of Light and Truth.
The third following Satan knew full well and had no room for misunderstanding if they so chose to listen and weigh the Plan of Salvation Authored, Prepared and to be Accomplished by God, through Jehovah, who became Father to our Spirits and now to our Bodies. Which brings us to the Garden of Eden and the placing of Adam and Eve within it. (more to come on this subject)
I have in many a discussion come to the conclusion that I really have more Questions than Answers in my struggle to understand existence, living and the unwritten future.... We are, that is beyond question, reality is not a perspective rather an acceptance of things as they were, as they are, and as they may become, likewise so is Truth. I am confident that we would yet exist without God, without Satan or without each other, We Are, a fact which though not fully understood is without question a reality, but to what degree? No one wants to be alone, and misery does love company, and joy is only found in the society of the good, the true and the righteous.
So why do we concern ourselves with so much that is really of no consequence and continue ignoring that which is Eternally significant? We honor God because he is in harmony with himself and nature, Satan on the other hand is opposed to this type of existence out of foolish pride. Our will is all that is truly ours all else is a gift from God. Like a river we seek the paths of least resistance, indolent and retarded by our own human nature, we are equally blessed and plagued by the driving forces within our separate bodies.
Self mastery is the path to perfection, all of Gods so called commandments are really nothing more than harmonious living principals.
The basic commandments are thus:
Thou shalt not have any Gods before me; Thou shalt not make covenants in my name unless directed to; Thou shalt keep the Sabbath day holy Thou shalt never have sex with anyone you are not married to; Thou shalt never covet what you have no rights to i.e. stuff, people and honor, nor worship them; Thou shalt give honor to the parents who raised you; Thou shalt never take what is not yours; Thou shalt never murder; Thou shalt never lie about anothers character
If we were to live these simple and correct principals living our lives would be so much simpler. We don’t need to have greater knowledge or stricter commandments in order to be peaceable and happy, we merely need live them! here in lies the dichotomy we are duplicitous we are fallen Man, yet this is our blessing to have at our disposal change, death and rebirth. all these are found in the Atoning sacrifice of The Christ.
(to be continued)