Our Heavenly Father has a perfect love for all his children. He loves us so perfectly that even when we reject him or actively seek to ruin our lives, he does not seek to control or force us to his view or will. In like manner we would do well to learn from this example of true or pure love. When those whom we love make a choice to effect their life or even ours, we really have no ability to compel another through our will power. Even if we could they are not choosing it and therefore the result is negated by the non investment of the doer. I will liken this to marriage as well as parenting. I want to be chosen as much as I want to choose the woman that I marry and spend Eternity with.
My children are beautiful and wonderful and that is because they are unique individuals and I will not destroy that amazing and wonderful character by seeking to coerce or force them into an ideal that they do not choose for themselves. My love that I give to you, is to hold on with all my heart and mind, not my hands and opinions.
We are getting older and love really doesn't need to be laser beam focus it can just be deep concern, empathy and service towards the individual with whom you have made lasting commitments too, attraction isn't just a face or body but how that body and face make you feel in the moments of emotional or physical intimacy...
I am continually blessed by your insight and unique perspective on life.
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