I am a Latter Day Saint

I'm a Mormon.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


We have in our lives choices of importance, choices of preference and choices of insignificance or so it would seem, I am not telling you what to do but rather I am endeavoring to elucidate upon the experiences of my own life, my disappointments, my pain, my success and my hopes and dreams for you. God is ALIVE, He Lives, He does and He is obeyed and revered for His character and integrity. You can choose everyday, to be happy, to be loving, to serve, to forgive, to be and to progress. you also have the ability to fear, to hate, to regret and to harbor ill towards others. I have learned through sad experience that knowledge does not equal action, and as we were provided this earth to start anew, to become once again innocent and fresh, and as we decide each moment who we are and what we will be, we have the option to choose God, his plan of being and his Atonement for sin, to our own fulfillment and happiness, and i would define sin as this, sin is to act knowingly in opposition to truth, its principals and its bounds, we are not the product of circumstance or of our environment wholly, instead we are able to choose to resist and to initiate all things for which we have concerns, passions and beliefs.

No one can create something out of nothing but we can organize and create thru genius the structures and successes of society. Choice is the key to joy, God let us risk all by leaving his presence and being born on the earth, this was done to empower us to choose him and his way of being. We have in this life many such choices of association, and affiliation. We need to choose a spouse we need to choose an occupation we need to choose our words and we need to choose to control our own bodies and minds.

As the reciprocal is also true, we need to be chosen. God chose us, taught us and nurtured our spirits, he has faith in us and in our innate ability to become like him, we also need to be attractive enough to others for them to choose to be with us, to want us, to love us, to sacrifice for us, as we in turn have been loving serving and sacrificing for them. If you will give first without the expectation of receipt, then you will be at peace with others, much in the way God the Father has given all to us. if you will discipline yourself, you will be at peace within your own being, if you are 100% obedient to truth you with be in harmony with deity, with the way things are, were, and will be, this is absolute and unavoidable, it is intrinsically within and without, all matter, all creation, all Eternity. when the lies and fear are no longer a part of who we are, or what we do, then and only then can we be “Zion” where in we can live “Utopia” because when we seek not to elevate ourselves or to tear down others, we live instead lifting, encourage and inspiring thru invitation, loved ones, neighbors and enemies alike. to live and cease to merely exist, if you truly believe and desire to achieve then make a plan and put forth the requisite effort and you will gain all that the father hath, as this becomes a way of being, of thinking and of feeling until that day when you are perfected, thru Christ, because of the efforts that you put forth. nothing is free, though the Grace of God is, tho it cannot be earned it must be accessed and we cannot have forgiveness unless we seek to repent and avail his love, the soul is more powerful than we know, the mind is a magnificent tool as are our heart, when we learn to accept and to understand rather than living life reacting to every stimulus and occasion, we grow in confidence, in faith and in wisdom, we can then know true cognizance and identity, we will command the elements and they will in-turn obey because we know, we understand and we are in harmony with truth and it is our integrity which becomes our authority.