I am a Latter Day Saint

I'm a Mormon.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Convenient and Available?

Convenient and Available? Are you thus engaging others as and when they are convenient and available to you?

I have often found myself struggling to not take for granted the friendships that I have been fostering, as well as the relationships I have with family members and work colleagues. I find dating to fall under a strange form of, is it convenient? and am I willing to be put out to become available? you know, where do I make my investments? or what's in it for me?

I don't want to be the type of person who has interpersonal experiences out of personal gain, I feel that in order to be a true disciple of Christ, I do need to be "no respecter of persons." I want to be in the moment and genuine in my expressions and clear of conscience with whatever I may be engaged in.

I think that often I have allowed friendships and great interactions to "fall by the way side" because I was more concerned about what an-others perception of actual events and reality might dictate (or "prove") about me and the kind of person I was, not realizing then as I do now, that it is by my not caring more about perception than I do about my own intentions and the reality I create in any given situation that defines my character, doing good or doing right regardless of the cost is how one becomes like unto Christ and worthy of his kingdom.

I often find that the people I know, 'trust' that I will be there for them whenever and however the need arises they call on me even if its been several months since we last spoke. I am grateful that I have been consistent in building that trust and thereby making it possible to serve as the occasion's demand.

I know I have also treated my HEAVENLY FATHER AS CONVENIENT AND AVAILABLE most of my life when it's convenient for me I make my heart, my mind and my time available to Him and his Spirit. I am not proud of this selfishness I have been taking for granted His forgiving and patient nature using my knowledge of His love and desires for my success as an excuse to disregard Him to ignore the promptings and to commit sin, when I have created enough distance so as not to feel under scrutiny or judgement by Him. I just read last night in Ether how the chastised the brother of Jared for 3 hours (I'm sure He didn't repeat Himself much either)on the great SIN of not calling on the Lord.

Repentance is my only recourse, I must change my fundamental self, alter my priorities and truly engage the Father of all Creation, else how am I to become like him "for the servant knows not the Master whom he has never served". I love LIFE and LIVING, my ability to be independent in the sphere in which God has placed me (D&C 93) I am unique without and within, as are you and I need to be no respecter of persons and to truly give to YOU the respect YOU deserve.

I want to give to you the attention I want to receive I desire to appreciate you for just being you and I wish to serve you for the Glory of God and his infinite purpose of Eternal Happiness and Joy. I WILL LOVE YOU as CHRIST LOVES YOU and I will not take you for granted anymore!


Julie said...
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Julie said...

Luckily "God sends his angels among us..." to help us learn the things we need to. "We know them best as friends." I wish I could remember who to give credit to for this quote, but my memory is one of my biggest faults:) PS~ I deleted my previous post because of an error. Perfectionist me.

Mary said...

Very insightful. I am also working on being less selfish in my relationships with others and with God.

For what it's worth, we really enjoyed playing games until late on the Saturday of General Conference. I'm glad you stuck around and hung out with us.

Unknown said...

"The Peacegiver" is a phenomenal book that helped me to put into perspective how I can continue to be who I am regardless of how others treat me. I believe the epitome of who Christ was is personified in His ability to not only continue to stand before those who wanted to kill Him, but to LOVE them! This mortal experience is so much about WHO we are becoming that even the recognition that you have the potential to take something for granted brings an awareness that will allow you NOT to do that to people you love, provided that relationships continue to be a priority. Good for you for that desire to truly appreciate others and where they are now. Remembering we are all in different places spiritualy is key to remaining grateful for the lessons we learn.