I am a Latter Day Saint

I'm a Mormon.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

The beginning is the end, the end is the beginning...

We must undertake the purpose of 'being' as an individual, as a family, as a society, as 'one'. In the mortal world we have birth and death, a cycle of life so to speak and as we move through each sunrise and sunset we are faced with emotions; love, regret, pride, serenity, hurt, resentment, forgiveness, lust, anger and so many, many more! Feeling is as much a part of living as cognizance is. We have the power to relive the past thru memory a wonder so awesome as to confuse the mind and hurt the heart as well as bring clarity and peace. Who am I? What legacy do I leave behind? Do I matter? What is my worth? Questions of validity and purpose..... I know that I am me, my actions are truth, my thought a perspective of reality ever craving the elusive Omniscience of Godhood. So the real test is not so much Obedience but faithfulness in the pursuit of perfection. A commandment is a warning A kindness, it is not for control of the spirit, rather a stretching of the soul as we recognize the purpose behind the advise and become a person who has no disposition for the sin. God cannot sin because he has no inclination to so do, yet he is not kept from sin by an outside source, he is rather good for the sake of being good. meaning he could sin if he chose to but why would he choose to? When sin merely brings with it negative and hurtful consequences.


Anonymous said...

Matt, I love the way you write! Your posts are so much fun to read! There is a book called Life Everlasting and from what you've written here I'll assume that you've read believing Christ. So much of what you write is what I learned from reading those books. I loved what you said about the real test being faithfullness in the pursuit of perfection....It's so true! A friend once told me that I didnt' want a perefectionist but an improver instead. Someone who wouldn't demand perfection from me and himself but was constantly working to be a better individual and by so doing, enticed all around him to do the same....About your comment with God and how he doesn't have any less pressure to sin but that the idea of it doesn't even apeal to him and so it's no temptation. My teacher once said that Christ had a God-like mind so he processed information so much quicker than the average human and that's why he understood so much about his place on earth and his relationship to His Father....He originally had just as much of a veil as any of us, but his understanding was such that the veil soon disappeared because of his righteous decisions etc.... Gosh, I could write tons more but this isnt' my blog....Thanks Matt, this was so much fun to read!

Ashley said...

I was hoping it would have been written at 3:45am... to solidify your irony ;) You are wonderful Matty!